
What is Travel Done Simple?

Travel Done Simple is the complete guide to planning and booking your next trip all on your own without the need of a travel agent!  Made for travelers by a traveler, it is the ultimate travel resource for everyone from newbies to seasoned veterans.

On this website, I cover everything from all the steps you need to take when planning your trip, to picking the perfect destination, to finding the best flights, to choosing the right accommodation, to packing everything you need, to getting around while abroad, to avoiding extra fees while traveling, and much more!

Travel Done Simple is a culmination of many months of hard work and research done by me so you can find it all in one place!

Who am I?

Sebastian jokingly falling down the Grand Canyon
Spoiler alert, I survived!

Hi, I’m Sebastian!  Born in Europe, but raised in Canada, I became a travel addict when I did a year abroad in Italy in my 3rd year of university back in 2013.  

Since then, I have lived in 5 different countries and traveled to over 40 others without ever enlisting the help of a travel agent!  I still travel as much as I can and if you are interested in my own travels, you can read the travel blog or check me out on instagram.

And if you’d like to read my full (travel) life story, you can find it in this blog post.

Many of my friends come to me to ask for tips on how to find the cheapest and best flights, hotels, and travel deals.  My ultimate goal is to give everyone all the tools and resources they need to create their own travel memories and experiences!

Why did I create Travel Done Simple?

Sebastian from Travel Done Simple on the bamboo train in Battambang, Cambodia
That's not my child, in case you were wondering ;)

One day I read a news story about a family that lost $3,000 because of a fake travel agent that scammed them out of their money.  Other commenters gave their own stories about how they’re scared of something like that happening to them and that they wish they could just plan their own travels.  

I’ve always planned and booked my own travels since I started and the feeling of finding that great deal and knowing I put all the pieces together beats overpaying a travel agent for something that I can do quickly and easily on the internet!

I believe everyone should be able to plan their own travels, but when I’ve looked for travel guides on the internet, I was never able to find honest, concise, and organized information. 

Most travel bloggers and websites recommend products and services that are worse or more expensive for travelers simply because they get more commission from them and not because they’re the best for you.

And even when I’ve found honest sources of information, it was all over the place and not organized into one simple resource that has all the information one would need.

So I created this website to provide you with a single source for all the information, tips, and strategies that you need to easily plan out and book your own travels, saving you time and money in the process!

How can you support me?

Sebastian playing with elephants in Chiang Mai, Thailand
This baby elephant supported me!

If you find value in my work and wish to support me, there are three ways you can do that:

The first is to share my website, guides, and posts with your friends!  Every guide and post on the website will have a share button for you to spread the word to your friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Email.  

The second is to follow me on social media and join the official Facebook group!  I will be posting content on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube as well as talking directly with you about everything to do with traveling in the official Travel Done Simple Facebook group.

The third is to buy me a coffee, help cover the costs of running this website, or even help pay for my next flight ticket!  

You decide how much to support me with and every little bit helps.  

The best way you can donate is by becoming a patron of mine on Patreon.

However, if you prefer a one-time gift, you can also send a donation via Ko-fi.com or send bitcoin to the following wallet: 


Send Bitcoin to this QR code

However you choose to support me, just know that it is greatly appreciated!