The Ultimate 5-Part Guide To Using Google Flights

Everything you need to know to become a Google Flights expert and find the best flights for your trip
The Ultimate 5-Part Guide To Finding The Best Flights by Travel Done Simple
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If Google Flights isn’t one of the main tools that you use when looking for flights, then you’re doing it wrong.

Simply put, Google Flights is the best tool you can use to find flights for your trips.  I wouldn’t even be surprised if travel agents used it themselves!  Learning how to get the most out of it is a must-do when it comes to finding and booking flights for your travels.

Luckily for you, I have created a guide that shows you everything you need to know about using Google Flights to its full potential!

In this 5-part guide, I teach you:

  1. How to use the Search Filters to find the flights that match your preferences perfectly,
  2. How to take advantage of the Explore Map feature to pick the spot for your next vacation or just find the cheapest flight to that part of the world,
  3. How to use the Date Grid and Price Graph features to pick the best dates to fly,
  4. How to take advantage of the Multiple Airports feature to discover cheaper flights to and from nearby airports, and
  5. How to use the Price Tracking feature to determine if you should book that flight asap or wait a little bit for prices to drop.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Part 1 to get started!
Or if you want to skip ahead to another part, click below:
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